Ep: 019 Aligning Your Purpose With Your Profession w/ Kim Jones

Ep: 019 Aligning Your Purpose With Your Profession w/ Kim Jones

In this episode, I talk to Kim Jones, who shares her journey from a senior executive role in a Fortune 250 company to becoming a coach dedicated to helping individuals align their careers with their values and purpose. We discuss the psychological and emotional aspects shaping financial decisions and career paths, highlighting the prevalent issue of feeling unfulfilled in traditional corporate roles. Kim talks about reconciling financial stability with work that holds meaning and purpose, using frameworks like Ikigai and Clifton Strength Finders to guide her clients through transformational career changes.

Kim also shares valuable insights on the contemporary job market, discussing the biases in the recruitment process and the importance of soft skills such as resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving. She provides success stories of clients who have made meaningful career transitions, breaking through limiting beliefs, and emphasizes the importance of creating an intentional life and making important career decisions. We also talk about the essential role of coaching in providing clarity and support to individuals looking to make career changes, with personal practices like meditation and journaling aiding in the pursuit of well-being and purpose.

We Talk About:

  • Career Misalignment and Burnout
  • Shifting Values Over Time
  • Balancing Financial Stability with Meaningful Work
  • The Soul / Ego Continuum
  • Kim’s Transition to Coaching
  • Importance of Soft Skills in the Modern Workforce
  • Use of Ikigai and CliftonStrengths Frameworks
  • Biases and Challenges in Recruitment Processes
  • Success Stories of Career Transitions

Check out the full conversation on YouTube here... 

 You can also find the audio versions on places like Spotify, Apple Podcasts and wherever else you listen your favorite podcasts. 


Kim recommended a lot of great resources worth exploring, check out a few below.


Kim shared that she is a big fan of a consistent morning routine she tries to fill with meditation, journaling and taking a walk. She also shared her thoughts on being conscious of her energy level and ways to look for a boost throughout the day.